0800 0852 733

Rising need for AEDs in schools

A common misconception is that cardiac arrest happens to people later in life and is not something that affects the young. Unfortunately this is not true.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a condition that can affect anyone at any age, especially during sport. The victim can have no prior cardiac issues and appear in everyday life to be extremely healthy.

When SCA occurs the heart will suddenly and unexpectedly stop beating normally, limiting the flow of blood to the brain and vital organs. It is essential that a defibrillator be deployed within five minutes of the SCA, to ensure a chance of survival.

AEDs Reduce the Fatal Risk of SCA Occurring in Schools

Currently in the UK 140,000 people a year, and an estimated 270 school children, die each year from SCA. This number could be significantly reduced by the ready availability of a defibrillator and awareness of the location of devices in the surrounding areas. Defib Machines specialise in providing AEDs for the educational sector.

Although the safety of children’s health in schools is paramount, the availability of an AED on site can save the lives of staff members and visitors who are also at risk of suffering from cardiac arrest or sudden cardiac arrest.

Defib Machines offer fully serviced and maintained defibrillators that are suitable for use on both adults and children from as little as £1 per day. The machines are fully automatic to remove the risk of human error in the delay of delivering a shock and can be used with no prior training. View the range of automatic defibrillators.

If you would like to protect your school please do contact us either on 0800 0852 733 or by email at solutions@defibmachines.co.uk.

Rising need for AEDs in schools