Quality Control: Defib upkeep in the spotlight
Cardiac arrest is the UK’s leading cause of death, highlighting the crucial role of reliable automatic external defibrillators in emergency response.
Concerns over the quality of some defibrillator providers, emphasising the need for stricter standards and oversight.
Defib Machines offers FDA-approved AEDs, prioritising reliability, comprehensive support, and swift replacement in emergencies.
Cardiac Arrest stands as the leading cause of death in the UK, underscoring the critical need for reliable and effective medical interventions in emergency situations. At the forefront of this battle against sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) are automated external defibrillator devices (AEDs), which serve as the most vital tools in delivering life-saving treatment.
However, what if the quality of the defibrillator falls short? This could lead to potentially life-threatening situations. Ensuring the quality and reliability of AED devices is paramount. There is a worrisome pattern developing where defibrillator quality is increasingly becoming an afterthought.
Defib Machines offer only FDA-approved defibrillator devices, ensuring that our customers have access to the most reliable and effective tools for combating sudden cardiac arrest, whilst keeping them affordable.
Defibrillators approved by the FDA are the gold standard in quality assurance. These devices undergo thorough clinical testing and are peer-reviewed, ensuring they meet high standards which ensures their functionality in critical situations. It provides the comfort that the device can meet the claims made to save lives in an emergency.
The growing defib provider quality conundrum
Unfortunately, not all defibrillator providers uphold the same standards of quality and safety. Some companies, lacking scrutiny in their approach to product development and safety assurances, have managed to gain favour within parliamentary circles. Despite concerns over the reliability of their products, these companies have attempted to secure a place in the NHS supply chain and the Department of Education’s network of institutions, and other organisations, through their connections.
Encouragingly, concerns about the reliability of these products has in some cases resulted in these offerings being excluded from consideration. In addition, defibrillators supplied under the mask of being charitable initiatives, which rely on ‘part funded’ support, also raise questions about their effectiveness in emergency situations.
These issues further emphasise the critical need for stricter oversight, especially regarding life-saving equipment in critical healthcare and schooling facilities across the country.
Defib Machines is an independent supplier. This affords the freedom to impartially evaluate and select which devices we provide to the market.
This impartial approach ensures quality and effectiveness are priorities, ultimately providing customers with the best possible solutions for their needs. Understanding the potential risks posed by outdated or poorly maintained defibrillators, which could compromise life-saving efforts, Defib Machines firmly believe in proactive measures.
To help improve the quality of devices in the UK Defib Machines offer an exclusive Buy Back service. This offer provides anyone in the UK the opportunity to upgrade their outdated Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) and receive up to £250 towards replacing it with a new, reliable, fully functional model.
Quality assurance doesn’t end with device selection. An AED is only as good as the support it receives. Defib Machines includes with every device best-in-class service, maintenance, and support.
Defib upkeep questioned by charities
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) and Heart 2 Heart Norfolk recently expressed their concerns regarding potential barriers to accessing defibrillators for those in need. They emphasised the importance of ensuring that these life-saving devices are readily available and in working order when emergencies arise.
It is essential for the automated external defibrillator (AED) to be well-maintained and fully functional at all times. Unfortunately, this is often not the case with AEDs sold under the pretence that they do not require service and will ‘look after themselves’. This has led to a rising number of devices not working when needed most. This poses risks to individuals in need of immediate assistance during emergencies.
Additionally, accurate access codes for defibrillators play a crucial role in saving lives during cardiac emergencies. Instances have been reported where users were unable to unlock the defibrillator cabinet due to receiving incorrect access codes.
Defib Machines takes pride in not only providing defibrillators but also in setting the standards for ongoing maintenance and care. Proper maintenance is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of AEDs and, ultimately, increasing the chances of saving lives. This is something Defib Machines understand and will continue to champion.
Defib Machines prioritise proper training for effectively using defibrillators in emergencies. Every AED Defib Machines install includes regular onsite training courses, led by experts, to instil confidence and readiness to respond swiftly. With a commitment to excellence, Defib Machines also provide onsite refresher training to keep skills up-to-date, ensuring no gaps in readiness. Allowing users to also have a sense of what a healthy AED looks like.
In the event that your AED is ever used in a rescue situation, we guarantee to replace any activated device within 24 hours, with no financial burden on you. After all, the primary function of an AED is to save lives, and we firmly believe that there should never be a cost associated with fulfilling that critical purpose.
Defib Machines provide clear communication and personalised support to all customers to ensure confidence and comfort with their AED. If you have enquiries about your AED or require guidance on maintenance, our dedicated team is here to assist you. Feel free to speak to a member of the team by phone at 0800 0852 733. Or, if you are ready to secure your affordable, reliable defib, visit this link and start your business’ journey to quality cardiac care: Order Now.