How do I use an Automatic External Defibrillator?
Defibrillators are becoming more commonplace at businesses and public areas. Although the awareness of the devices is on the rise, it’s important to know how to use an automatic external defibrillator in case of emergency. There are different makes, models and types of defibrillators and knowing the difference between them can also be crucial.
Using an Automatic Defibrillator
Defib Machines has compiled important information that will give you the knowledge necessary to use an AED correctly.
How do I operate an Automatic External Defibrillator?
This is dependent on the make of device and whether it is semi-automatic or fully automatic. However, all devices work in a similar way.
Once the device is turned on audible instructions will be given to instruct the user through the process. Some defibrillators also include a screen, however this can be a distraction in an emergency situation.
Pads will need to be applied to the patient as instructed. Once on, the device will review the heart rhythm by performing an ECG.
If the heart is found to be in cardiac arrest a shock will be advised. If you have a fully automatic defibrillator a shock will be performed automatically. A semi-automatic device will require you to press a flashing button within 5 seconds. When a shock has been given, perform CPR for 2 minutes. The device will then again perform an ECG and instruct accordingly.
If someone is not found to be in cardiac arrest a shock will not be performed and you will be instructed to continue CPR until the emergency services arrive.
Are all AED’s the same?
No. There are a number of different makes, models, battery types and shock types. This can become quite confusing. For this reason, Defib Machines perform regular tests on the different AEDs available on the market to determine the best product available.
As an independent company, Defib Machines only provide devices that we find to be the best. Conducting regular tests across each machine available on the market, comparing the different qualities of each, we then provide the top performing machine.
This currently is the Heartsine Automatic Defib.
Due to its easy to use nature, escalation abilities, market leading technology and reliability this machine is our defibrillator of choice. This is also echoed by the UK ambulance service.
What is the difference between a semi-automatic defibrillator and a fully automatic defibrillator?
A fully automatic defibrillator will provide, only when needed, the shock to a patient automatically. A semi automatic defibrillator will prompt you to press the button once it has recognized the need for a shock to be given.
Our recommendation is to use fully automatic machines. This reduces the chance of human error as if the button is not pressed on a semi automatic device within a few seconds the chance has been missed. Once missed, it will be at least 2 minutes until the device advises another shock to be provided, half the time that a shock needs to be given in following a cardiac arrest.
If the contract is fully managed, how much is a defibrillator in the UK?
Defibrillators from Defib Machines
Defib Machines provides defibrillator machines for rent at only £1 per day.
For more information on our products you can contact us online.
Alternatively, you can call us directly on 0800 0852 733 to have any questions or queries answered my a member of our expert team.