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Ginola incident puts cardiac arrests in spotlight

Football legend puts cardiac arrest back in the spotlight

It has been confirmed that former Premier League footballer David Ginola, 49, suffered a cardiac arrest during a charity football game in France.

The former French international suddenly collapsed during the game and is reported to have not been breathing or responding, two common signs of cardiac arrest. A bystander was able to quickly provide CPR until a defibrillator was able to be brought to Ginola. He was shocked 4 times before being airlifted to hospital 10 minutes after.

Defibrillators Save Lives

After arrival at the Monaco Heart Centre, Ginola was taken to surgery for five hours and received a quadruple heart bypass.

Cardiac Arrest is talked about as a ‘time game’. Ginola was fortunate to receive immediate attention thanks to a bystander who was trained in CPR and who was able to diagnose a cardiac arrest. The ambulance responder knew the exact location of the private football pitch because he had asked where it was earlier that day. These chance encounters greatly improved Ginola’s chance of recovery.

Following this incident cardiac arrests have once again been thrust into the spotlight. Thanks to the nationwide defibrillator program in place in France since 2001 this story did not end in tragedy.

We are once again reminded that cardiac arrest can affect anyone at anytime, any age and without any past history of heart problems. When cardiac arrest occurs a shock must be provided within 5 minutes to provide the best chance of survival.

Prepare for Cardiac Arrest with Defib Machines

Defib Machines provide fully serviced and maintained automatic external defibrillators (AED’s) to schools, sport centres, supermarkets, shops, offices and more. Installed in the optimum location you will receive full signage and training as well as regular onsite health checks. Be prepared for a cardiac arrest at your place of work with a life-saving, rented Defib Machine.

Check out the fully managed defibrillator price.

To find out more about our defibrillator packages simply use our enquiry form and one of our team members will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 0852 733 to speak to one our specialists.


Football legend puts cardiac arrest back in the spotlight